Seeing your pet cat die is never easy, I don't know for some people who do not have regard for pets or animals and see it as a complete waste of time. People like me don't have a lot of patience for people most of the time, people hurt you and disappoint you, they make you expect. Pets do not have that tendency, once you love them, they love you back, they show in in subtle ways or by the way they look at you and thank you for what you did.or let me say..that is what my pet cat moi did for me. I love cats and always will, no matter what the social stigma is, once you love a cat you can never go back. Cats are pure pleasure and fun, they make you giggle, they are silly creatures, funny without even trying, mysterious, captivating. I know death comes to us all, and i would have to deal with more deaths as I grow old, it never gets easy,never. All i do and think to comfort myself is to believe that my cat moi would go back to the earth, the soil and become energy once again, be placed back and give life to the soil, the plant, be a part of the oxygen process---the air that i breathe. It was so hard to stare at him, to cold him lifeless, cold- during that hour i felt lost, really lost. you see this cats are like family to me, they have the ability to make me smile despite all the hardships in life. I know i should be stronger, he is sleeping now, at rest and in peace, safe from people who do not understand that humans, plants and animals are connected. i hope someday people see how cats and other pets bring life to lonely people like me...and give them a chance to breathe, to co-exist and become safe and happy.
i will miss moi, perhaps.... every day.
Saying goodbye to our beloved pet is not easy and especially while doing the process of pet euthanasia its killing me also and I know he will understand why I need to do that.